what a hot weather..!
feeel dying v tis hot weather..! must drink more water..
going to kl in tis few days coz of wanna meet her xD
so must keep me in healthy.. if not how to go meet ppl?
she was so hope to meet me soon..
but coz of da ticket havent buy yet..
she is so worry that cant see me.. xD
hope to get her frens news soon that ticket was bought~
then we can meet at KL le lu.. go gai gai m watch movie, wow..!
sitting in an air-cond room ~ feel so much better than dining room..
weather was fcking hot~
that's all =)
Dear, i miss u ^.^
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
yesterday, i feel boring when at CC..
then i open HighStreet5 for having a look inside..
inside da game, i sure knew some friends frm other state..
a girl inside da game, also is my friends since last year..
we just chat v each other thru game.....
However, i feel she wun lie me in a serious case..
she says that her life was end, and keep crying...
but i duno wht happened on her, i tot she quarrel v her bf or wht else..
at last, she told me she had stomach cancer...
if she can past the next 2 years, then she'll be safe...
if not, she will leave tis world.........
WTH?!?! its first time.. i heard tis such things frm my fren...
my mind blank... i duno wht can i do jus can help her...
jus feel, if can help her... i will try my best to help her up..
wht should i do?!
Dear.............. i nid u by my side now....................
i need you.....
miss you.......
my babi dear~
yesterday, i feel boring when at CC..
then i open HighStreet5 for having a look inside..
inside da game, i sure knew some friends frm other state..
a girl inside da game, also is my friends since last year..
we just chat v each other thru game.....
However, i feel she wun lie me in a serious case..
she says that her life was end, and keep crying...
but i duno wht happened on her, i tot she quarrel v her bf or wht else..
at last, she told me she had stomach cancer...
if she can past the next 2 years, then she'll be safe...
if not, she will leave tis world.........
WTH?!?! its first time.. i heard tis such things frm my fren...
my mind blank... i duno wht can i do jus can help her...
jus feel, if can help her... i will try my best to help her up..
wht should i do?!
Dear.............. i nid u by my side now....................
i need you.....
miss you.......
my babi dear~
Monday, April 20, 2009
i scare u cool v me, i say real..
in my eyes, u'r the most nice girl..
i'm sorry to let u wait again..
im so bad to let u wait.. while i knew that u cant wait..
im really sorry dear...
If jus now not got things happened, i already reached home cam v u..
i really cant found out why today u so cool le..
T.T.. may b is i make de ba..
u'll jus always the best for me dear...
while i'm tired, but i can see u.. i feel it's worth u know..
i knw u always call me bibi, bibi...
but i heard dy i got so much happy..
jus i had make u feel dulan ady... sorry dear...
we hav so much thing to chat de o dear...
we always hav so much things chat one de... =)
dui bu qi.....
i'm trying my best to change my tis sux attitude..
i love u dear~
i scare u cool v me, i say real..
in my eyes, u'r the most nice girl..
i'm sorry to let u wait again..
im so bad to let u wait.. while i knew that u cant wait..
im really sorry dear...
If jus now not got things happened, i already reached home cam v u..
i really cant found out why today u so cool le..
T.T.. may b is i make de ba..
u'll jus always the best for me dear...
while i'm tired, but i can see u.. i feel it's worth u know..
i knw u always call me bibi, bibi...
but i heard dy i got so much happy..
jus i had make u feel dulan ady... sorry dear...
we hav so much thing to chat de o dear...
we always hav so much things chat one de... =)
dui bu qi.....
i'm trying my best to change my tis sux attitude..
i love u dear~
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hmm ~ She's My Nice Dear~ <3 My Dear
now was 2.50am already, going to sleep..
but still feel hav somethings to write b4 i go slp.. =)
my fren, 1 by 1 leave me =) almost for their education..
at last, all will leave me.. and i will meet new frens..
Sometimes think back, vry wan stay at form5
all fren stick together all the time, laugh, sad..
wht also together to solve it..!
coz we r true fren! but wht i facing now.. is a part of my life that
i nid to face it... =)
iwun meet other new lovers ady, coz i got my dear already!
that's her ! Yong Min Xin! xD i not only hope to be v her 4ever..
is must do it ! Sometimes.. i really asking myself..
is that really my girlfren? my love? Hehe..
why? coz i also cant believe i got her! haha.. funny rite?
But she was belong to me now~ she'll be mine!
19th days le dear~ wops... i'm missing u le dear ^.^ MISS U ALL THE TIME !
nid she accompany me all nite.. she tired also will accompany me..
sometimes.. i really hope she can by my side.. i can look after her..
no matter she tired or feel sleepy.. she also chat v me thru phone~
i'm really thanks to you , MY DEAR !
Know why i knew that she really tired?
when chatting phone.. she will talk talk talk v me..
jus when closed phone, we sms a few msg the she will fall asleep ady..
i'm thinking that time.. should i talk phone v her more longer? or a while can already?
sometimes nt i wan close the phone dear... is i scare u're tired.. i wan u rest o..
but when i talk phone v u.. mostly everytime also more than 30 mins!
haha.. coz i really feel so happy to chat v u.. until i duno da time..
jus talk a while, already past half an hour, or an hour already !
ihope she can get a best life! no tired, happy always, enjoy everthings..
coz she's the one who i love a.. so i nid to succeed her life ^.^
no her, no me.. she's my everthings.. dear~~ hehe...
She so caring in her person.. feel that she vry care me n care!
i love it... actually dear, u din giv me freedom i dun mind.. coz i'm yours!
i like u lock me at ur heart.. i nvr blame u.. coz u do everythings also for my own good..
i knew that, so i nvr blame u control-ing me ^.^
sha gua.. i knw u scare i say u din giv me freedom..
so u got tell me, 'i giv u freedom a'..
dun b worry.. im not thinking that~ i'm feel nice get u control a!
DEAR, im so love that u can control me.. hehe... so happy for that ^.^
that not control! is dear worry for her husband mah.. HAHA!
You angry me coz u worry me, u scold me is for my own good
you worry me coz u love me, u did all things coz of me
i feel so enuff to hav u tis dear! enuff for my life already... !
It's really enuff ! DEAR ~ THANKS~! I LOVE YOU!
I'll love u till da end of my heart beat.. and last for 4ever! =)
i miss you dear ~ minxin dear min xin dear..
i miss you i miss you~
and love u always =) muacks~
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sorry Sorry Dear Dear ~
i did a things that make my dear angry..
that i hang out at outside until midnight !
well , after spm.. my fren got always ask me to out..
first , i out until jus 11pm then i 'll back home ...
After that , slowly slowly...
fren ask me to back at 12, then 1am , then 2am..
3am/4am also hav... well , everytimes i reached home,
i sure get my dad scold for a few minutes..
i already normal v that kinda of life.. get dad scold..
after me v her together.. i really realise that
she hope i can always accompany her always..
i knew that... but today... also was las 2 frens at KT
they gonna leave for study at KL...
so that i accompany them for my last day..
my dear at home online wait me for 1 and ++ hours..
i really wan to back home to accompany her..
but i had break my promise.. me at CC ~
WTH me do like that to my dear >.<
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
Start from today , i will reach home by 12am..
to prove to her.. my promise to her and i will suceed it..
dear pls forgive me =)
except any special case.. if not i wont at outside after 12am..
Sorrrrryyyyyyyyyyy DEAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Muacksss ~
i did a things that make my dear angry..
that i hang out at outside until midnight !
well , after spm.. my fren got always ask me to out..
first , i out until jus 11pm then i 'll back home ...
After that , slowly slowly...
fren ask me to back at 12, then 1am , then 2am..
3am/4am also hav... well , everytimes i reached home,
i sure get my dad scold for a few minutes..
i already normal v that kinda of life.. get dad scold..
after me v her together.. i really realise that
she hope i can always accompany her always..
i knew that... but today... also was las 2 frens at KT
they gonna leave for study at KL...
so that i accompany them for my last day..
my dear at home online wait me for 1 and ++ hours..
i really wan to back home to accompany her..
but i had break my promise.. me at CC ~
WTH me do like that to my dear >.<
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
I'm Sorry Dear ~
Start from today , i will reach home by 12am..
to prove to her.. my promise to her and i will suceed it..
dear pls forgive me =)
except any special case.. if not i wont at outside after 12am..
Sorrrrryyyyyyyyyyy DEAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Muacksss ~
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Min Xin DEAR ~
our relationship had reached 2 weeks lo..
she is still so care me, always phone me, and sweet sweet!
she is the best in my heart =)
but she always call me babi =.="
but im happy too.. coz she happy to call me that.. so i also feel
Her life was boring, but i can't by her side accompany her..
feel so sad bout that.. we r miss each other all the times..
including dream also dream her !
Min Xin dear , is sha gua.. coz i let her cry , let her worry..
by the way, i wun repeat my wrong anymore
wun let her worry anymore..
she is the one who can success control me..
she is the one who giv me a happy love
the one who giv me feel my life is great after add up her as my love !
the one who giv me caring , warm .. everythings ~
i feel great b v u dear ~ hehe ...
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
Yong Min Xin , I Love You xD
Muacksss ..
our relationship had reached 2 weeks lo..
she is still so care me, always phone me, and sweet sweet!
she is the best in my heart =)
but she always call me babi =.="
but im happy too.. coz she happy to call me that.. so i also feel
Her life was boring, but i can't by her side accompany her..
feel so sad bout that.. we r miss each other all the times..
including dream also dream her !
Min Xin dear , is sha gua.. coz i let her cry , let her worry..
by the way, i wun repeat my wrong anymore
wun let her worry anymore..
she is the one who can success control me..
she is the one who giv me a happy love
the one who giv me feel my life is great after add up her as my love !
the one who giv me caring , warm .. everythings ~
i feel great b v u dear ~ hehe ...
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
babi dear Min Xin , i miss you <3 u
Yong Min Xin , I Love You xD
Muacksss ..
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
My Promise To U , DEAR ~
i had make u worry me le..
really feel so sorry for that , but ur worry..
its means so much for me , i so hope to see u.. coz..
I miss you ! 2-3 days din see ur face le ..
so i jus add some speed on driving back home..
I making she worry ! T.T
she treat me really so nice , until im speechless..
i really cant found out her bad points..
coz in my eyes , she was perfect for me ...
and i dun wanna lost her , she is a perfect girl for me le ...
Everythings that i do , every words that i said to her
i will think of her feeling first ...
is that this words i said will hurt her ?
is that this words i said will make her angry ?
is that this words i said will make we quarrel ?
is that this words i said will make she feel sad ?
that's bcoz i love u dear !!
Hehe , i knew that u treat me really vry nice..
and the things you do for me...
it's really make me touch , and feel wanna hug u now !
but we'r far... but nvm, i can wait for u ~ xD
until we go holiday , its our target now ! haha ..
really wish that can sucess ..
I'll try my best , not u let u worry anymore..
coz i knew that u already tired , let u wait scare u will angry ^.^
coz i love u , i dun wanna make anythings taht jus will hurt u
or make u angry , so i jus rush ooo ..
DEAR , thanks for everythings...
Muackssssssssssssssss ............
Min Xin ! i miss you ! Mwahs ~!
Ukui dear .................. i love you a ..
i had make u worry me le..
really feel so sorry for that , but ur worry..
its means so much for me , i so hope to see u.. coz..
I miss you ! 2-3 days din see ur face le ..
so i jus add some speed on driving back home..
I making she worry ! T.T
she treat me really so nice , until im speechless..
i really cant found out her bad points..
coz in my eyes , she was perfect for me ...
and i dun wanna lost her , she is a perfect girl for me le ...
Everythings that i do , every words that i said to her
i will think of her feeling first ...
is that this words i said will hurt her ?
is that this words i said will make her angry ?
is that this words i said will make we quarrel ?
is that this words i said will make she feel sad ?
that's bcoz i love u dear !!
Hehe , i knew that u treat me really vry nice..
and the things you do for me...
it's really make me touch , and feel wanna hug u now !
but we'r far... but nvm, i can wait for u ~ xD
until we go holiday , its our target now ! haha ..
really wish that can sucess ..
I'll try my best , not u let u worry anymore..
coz i knew that u already tired , let u wait scare u will angry ^.^
coz i love u , i dun wanna make anythings taht jus will hurt u
or make u angry , so i jus rush ooo ..
DEAR , thanks for everythings...
Muackssssssssssssssss ............
Min Xin ! i miss you ! Mwahs ~!
Ukui dear .................. i love you a ..
Monday, April 6, 2009
Yeah ~~! Today i saw my DEAR le ! she jus waiting for me for an hour .
I'm sorry DEAR . Need u to wait me for an hour . Kolian ....
I'm sorry DEAR . Need u to wait me for an hour . Kolian ....
At 1.12am , i saw her in webcam ! I'm sure happy then !
Phew ~ 3 days din saw her , jus lik 3 years lik that ...
The 1st eye i look at her ~ The feeling , so nice ~! It jus make me feel wanna hug her .. I miss HER !
She's still so much pretty v her smilling . I love her smilling , its so sweet !
DEAR , i hope that can see u always smile to me ! Its so great !
But the time is already 1.++am , she tmr got work , but coz of see me
she dun wan to sleep until so late , i'm touch by her !
She's just like my everythings , my life cant without her .
Hmm .. Really hope that our relation will stay longer and longer
and hope it will never end until the end of my life ~
No HER = No ME =)
DEAR , u means so much for me .
However , me and her are starting to planning whr to holiday le ,
really wish to meet .
I need her caring
Phew ~ 3 days din saw her , jus lik 3 years lik that ...
The 1st eye i look at her ~ The feeling , so nice ~! It jus make me feel wanna hug her .. I miss HER !
She's still so much pretty v her smilling . I love her smilling , its so sweet !
DEAR , i hope that can see u always smile to me ! Its so great !
But the time is already 1.++am , she tmr got work , but coz of see me
she dun wan to sleep until so late , i'm touch by her !
She's just like my everythings , my life cant without her .
Hmm .. Really hope that our relation will stay longer and longer
and hope it will never end until the end of my life ~
No HER = No ME =)
DEAR , u means so much for me .
However , me and her are starting to planning whr to holiday le ,
really wish to meet .
I need her caring
I need her sweet words
I need her smile
I need her laugh
I need her tam
I need her in everythings !
I need her love !
I need her laugh
I need her tam
I need her in everythings !
I need her love !
Muacks ~~ DEAR , I LOVE YOU !
I'm already belong to u . =)
Promise that i will trying my best to giv u 'an quan gan'
including using my life to do so , i will !
Wish that our relation can last forever !
DEAR Min Xin , I LOVE U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
She Is My Everytings . I Dun Wan Lost Her . <3 Her Always .
.jpg)
Today was the start of 2nd days i din saw her . I vry miss her .....
Yesterday nite , i make her cried for 2 times .
1st tings that i make her cry is , she miss the time that we past
together , bcoz i remind back the tings we did for a weeks .
She cry ! That was the first time i hear her crying voice .
I feel hurt by the way , the tears that she drops , jus
like a millions of needle that appear in my heart , its hurt !
I feel lik crying too , but i was at outside .
So i hold my tears vry tide .I LOVE HER so much !
2nd things that i make her cry again in more a few mins .
I'm feel sorry for her , but i promise to myself included god
i will treat her as the best as i can , she is the only my LOVE !
DEAR , U'r my everythings . Muackssss ~!
Got u by my side , u jus like a light that show me the front road
that i must walked through .
that i must walked through .
U giv me a very perfect love ! I LOVE YOU ~
I vry miss the moment that we past , the sweet memories that
given by u DEAR ~! I MISS YOU !
I promise that will take care of you , that my promise for u DEAR ~
I LOVE YOU , DEAR ~ Starsssssssss ~~
I LOVE YOU , DEAR ~ Starsssssssss ~~
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